Bayou Lemon Juice Recipe

INGREDIENTS: 16 ounces of Bacardi or similar light rum 12 ounces of room temp concentrated lemonade A mere thimbleful of mouth-scorching hot-sauce, Tobasco or similar 32 ounces of recently refridgerated soda water Ice Lemon slices Hula Girl sugarcane swizzles   DIRECTIONS: Only mix the rum, lemonade and hot sauce in preparation for serving. When ready…

Organic Sugar Cane Swizzle Sticks in Piña Coco Smoothie Slush

Piña Coco Smoothie Slush Recipe

INGREDIENTS: 4 tablespoons of ice-cold concentrated pineapple juice 2 tablespoons of frosty concentrated orange juice. 2 tablespoons of straight-from-the-icebox concentrated cranberry juice 4 tablespoons of coconut-flavored rum 12 ounces of crushed ice Garnish with 2+ Hula Girl swizzle sticks DIRECTIONS: You guessed it! Blend until its drinkable; then garnish this puppy with our very own…

Bayou Lemon Juice

INGREDIENTS: 16 ounces of Bacardi or similar light rum 12 ounces of room temp concentrated lemonade A mere thimbleful of mouth-scorching hot-sauce, Tobasco or similar 32 ounces of recently refrigerated soda water Ice Lemon slices Hula Foods sugarcane swizzle sticks   DIRECTIONS: Only mix the rum, lemonade and hot sauce in preparation for serving. When…

Creamy Peaches and Sugarcane

INGREDIENTS: 8 ounces of peaches, soft and supple, (of course, no pits, whatsoever) 8 ounces of simple sugar syrup 32 ounces of cream 12 ounces of superlative vodka Some peach wedges Hula Foods sugarcane swizzle sticks.   DIRECTIONS: Blend everything, except the peach wedges and the sugarcane, with which you will decorate each serving, attaining…

Sugarcane-Citrus Sweet Tea

INGREDIENTS: 24 ounces of boiling water (you can’t drink it yet!) Number of tea bags corresponding to desired potency. Suggested: 8 standard tea bags. 8 ounces of mint leaves (the fresher, the better!) 4 ounces cane sugar 6 ounces of room temp concentrated lemonade Garnish with pineapple slice and Hula Foods swizzle sticks DIRECTIONS: Take…

Piña Coco Smoothie Slush

INGREDIENTS: 4 tablespoons of ice-cold concentrated pineapple juice 2 tablespoons of frosty concentrated orange juice. 2 tablespoons of straight-from-the-icebox concentrated cranberry juice 4 tablespoons of coconut-flavored rum 12 ounces of crushed ice Garnish with 2+ Hula Foods sugarcane swizzle sticks DIRECTIONS: You guessed it! Blend until its drinkable; then garnish this puppy with our very…

Mango Piña Colada

Ingredients: 6 ounces of mango-flavored rum 6 tablespoons of coconut-flavored rum 4 ounces of coconut milk 20 ounces of mango slices 10 ounces pineapple slices 16 ounces of crushed ice Garnish with 2+ Hula Foods swizzle sticks Directions: Blend everything except the ice. Then add the ice to the mixture and blend until the consistency…