Organic Sugar Cane Swizzle Sticks in Iced Tea


  • 24 ounces of boiling water (you can’t drink it yet!)
  • Number of tea bags corresponding to desired potency. Suggested: 8 standard tea bags.
  • 8 ounces of mint leaves (the fresher, the better!)
  • 4 ounces cane sugar
  • 6 ounces of room temp concentrated lemonade
  • Garnish with pineapple slice and Hula Foods swizzle sticks


Take the water off the stove and hang the tea bags over the lip of your saucepan. Stir in your mint. Put pan’s lid on and wait for about 15 minutes. Add sugar. After the tea has cooled off, put it into a large pitcher and pour in about 3 cups of cool water. Add the lemonade concentrate. Garnish each icy glass with a thin pineapple slice and (of course) Hula Foods swizzle sticks.